My favorite shopping experiences and things

buying a car
spending a day driving around town with dad to test drive things.
partly the experience of actually talking about what I wanted/liked. Small rear window was a dealbreaker for me
The amazing purchasing experience
from their test drive shit test ("the back seat rattles and we muffle it with this. I left it out while you were driving to see if you noticed")
to the guy having a kid come over for boxing lessons

my gateway synth. I bought this impulsively when buying headphone cable, to save on shipping
seemed silly to spend $30 to ship a $40 cable, and I did vaguely know that op1s were rarely on sale (though basically knew nothing about it!)
bought as a birthday present for myself.
spent a few days learning it, then a year and a half making new noises with it every day

followed up with an op-z (my new new favourite synth), and later the line module so they can happily play together