
You get a lot of emails, you do not need most of them.

Actively unsubscribe from any and all marketing emails, these are not very useful and are just noisy.

For higher quality email subscriptions that are too frequent (Money stuff or The Browser write more than I can read), set up a separate email address just for subscriptions (or use RSS). Then read that when you feel like it. Save primary email for more important things.

To stop checking HN so much, subscribe to hackernewsletter, then just skim that on Sunday. If you are still unthinkingly checking, block it in /etc/hosts or some other way.

End of year digital cleanup checklists are good to clear out major clutter, but no reason not to remove things throughout the year as well.

If you get too far behind on dailies, just clear them out and get on with your day. They are interesting but nonessential. If things are no longer interesting, unsubscribe.