Where and how to host a Node app

Yesterday I was messing around on Replit - created an express app and had it doing routing and serving static files.
This was going pretty well, but the main downside was deploy times taking too long compared to static sites (which are basically instant).
Also being tied to their editor (resource-intensive on old laptop) rather than just editing local files.

First step, let's try just moving the whole monolith to different hosting.
Log in to google cloud console, be confused that I keep landing on the Compute Engine API page instead of Compute Engine. I just want to start a VM, Larry!
Have a VM starting up, and learned that I tragically wasted my $300 6 years ago.
Now how are we going to put things on here. FTP or SCP or something? Ok there is gcloud.
I have an old version of the client on laptop, it wants python2.7.
Try updating the util, it was installed with AUR, and needs other AUR packages updated too.
Screw this try again later.

Back to replit!

So, the problem to fix is deploy times for static changes being too slow.
Alternative solution, separate apps!
This also gives an easy migration path to a separate domain!
Nice that writing this down has helped figure out the problem.

So, new Replit project, this time static site with auto refresh.
Copy over static files from original project and we will deploy to new subdomain

Side mission: need to add another A and TXT record to cloudflare.

Back to static site.
Need to move a bunch of code to the frontend for handling auth.
The callback URL to store tokens needs to do it for the new domain.
Then switch back to backend app, add or update the POST endpoints to get tokens without cookies.
Or maybe setup CORS but cbf right now.

Check for token in request body, otherwise fall back to cookie.
Add new auth callback URL to Spotify app.
Now both domains are working!

Now paths on the old domain to redirect to the new one, then can cut out a bunch of code from backend related to that. Now we are migrated!

Can now deploy static site changes FAST.