Tagged “australia”
ARI_Abundance of deer in Victoria_Technical Report 368_OCTOBER 2023
COVID-safe strategies from Australian scientists
tldr wear a mask and avoid crowds
Australian housing wealth is meaningless, destructive and fundamentally changing our society
Editorial The shrunken backyard
At some point the backyard became [Australia's] largest unit of measurement
good line
Modelling 100% renewable grid for Australia, with just a few hours of storage
surprised by how much wind was in it
Mediterranean Sea of Australia
Soft Plastics Recycling Is Back for Melburnians in Nine Council Areas – Right From the Doorstep
Australia vastly underreporting methane pollution
oh no
National Plastics Plan summary
Much of this seemed less serious than the wild food waste stats, but these are very concerning:
Every year in Australia approximately 130,000 tonnes of plastic leaks into the marine environment.
Our use of plastic is increasing and across the world will double by 2040.
By 2050, it is estimated that plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish.
Is the current public health strategy for dealing with COVID working?
not particularly
Australia exporting first ever shipment of liquefied hydrogen to Japan
The hydrogen is currently being made with coal but Energy Minister @AngusTaylorMP says the trade will be crucial in bringing down global emissions.
I'm sure it will, Angus
Australia (AUS) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners | OEC - The Observator
Good page, some worrying all-eggs-in-one-basket figures.
What’s the point of Australia?
Australia’s new mass surveillance mandate
Australia's anti-antigen insanity
The brazenness of Australian oligarchy
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