Tagged “search”
Make google search default to Web view
Add &udm=14 to querystring
Code Search is Hard
Metaphor Search
LLM-powered search. Interesting idea, have not tested much to see if it actually works.
Comparing Google and ChatGPT
interesting comments from some Alphabet employees - that cost of LLMs needs to come down by 10x-100x to be viable.
Why Is the Web So Monotonous?
On optimizing for ranking causing an overall decline in information.
We're improving search results when you use quotes
Cool having googlers just pop in to the comments to explain/counter people's observations. Most of my useful google search tricks were from some article I read a decade or more ago with some inurl:
and file format tricks
Oldest Search - Search for the oldest result on internet.
Couple of test searches gave lots from early 2000s. Will be interesting to see how bitrotten it is
Google Search Is Dying
Too much trash and sponsored noisy content
Pinterest ruined photo search on the internet
Comments have some good background on google image search, the cached/full-size images thing, Bing image search, and other things.
The Anatomy of a Large Scale Web Search Engine [Hacker News]
Started off sounding so ambitious and friendly; the goals and incentives probably shifted fairly early.
They never delivered on this "strong goal" to make web search an academic endeavour.
The Design of Browsing and Berrypicking Techniquies for the Online Search Interface
Paper from 1989(!) looking at different methods people use to find information. There are six main categories, most online search continues to only use one or two
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