fal.ai FLUX Playground
Sadly no longer free to access without login. This was a great way to demo current state of image generation
Sadly no longer free to access without login. This was a great way to demo current state of image generation
I often don't enjoy these scroll-driven animated articles but this was very well made
more AI experiments on reading and generating images
this is cool. would like to make a converter to generate these from color images
Generating your own teaches the kinds of errors to look for (and what makes things seem less "real"). Will effortless "realistic" generation be possible or there will inevitably be a gap there
Alt-text still better from humans, for now. Interesting comparison of good prompts vs good paragraphs
another image input tool
The very bad image dataset bias issue
animate frames between two images
Simpler image variation than stability-ai one, from another random deep learning company.
A quick look at their website and making a text-to-pokemon model looked interesting.
who is paying for all these gpus
3d model generation (or animation of, at least) from single reference image and a pose
Very easy to follow setup guide for Stable Diffusion, and for running python apps on windows.
Installed windows terminal, setup anaconda prompt to auto init directory. Just some good stupid little tips like that
Another text-to-image model. This stuff is getting crazy
Comments have some good background on google image search, the cached/full-size images thing, Bing image search, and other things.
this requirement reads like the whole thing was made for a specific cat picture
It works best with 299 x 299px images that depict one specific object.
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