101 things I would tell my self from 10 years ago
Don't agree with all of them, but plenty of good advice in there.
Don't agree with all of them, but plenty of good advice in there.
From a bunch of different people. Lot of good ones.
Tips from Kevin Kelly :
Accept compliments with thanks.
Getting cheated occasionally is a small price to pay for trusting the best in everyone
When invited to something in the future, ask yourself, Would I do this tomorrow?
The thing that made you weird as a kid could make you great as an adult.
It’s not an apology if it comes with an excuse.
Ignore what they are thinking of you because they are not thinking of you.
If you think you saw a mouse, you did, and if there is one, there are others.
The biggest lie we tell ourselves is, “I don’t need to write this down because I will remember it.”
Markdown archive of the OP Forums tips and tricks megathread
Excellent take. The imagined overly critical audience is a jerk.
Some good tips for better writing. HN thread on it also had some interesting points on tone and editorialising of writing.
Good list to re-read and remember. Be more considerate of where the years go. Also learn how to come up with phrases like this :)
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