Tagged “vim”
What are the most common mistakes of the beginner and the intermediate users of vim?
Don't cut corners. Don't blindly use other people's configs, learn to read the help pages to look things up.
Leap : Neovim’s Answer to the Mouse : Hacker News
Less interested in the mouse input that useful vim tips in HN
Creative Creature
Awesome concept. And a nice disclaimer on context menu:
Vim: Open file with cursor at the end
2 hours saving 10 seconds per file open twice a day is an egregious violation of the xkcd rule, but it was fun and I learned a lot about Vim automation in the process.
AND saved me 2 hours as I simply found this on google
no_plugins/no_plugins.vim at master · changemewtf/no_plugins
How to do what vim plugins do with just vim
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