Tagged “css”
Font with built-in syntax highlighting
How to make tiling SVG backgrounds
How Piccalilli are approaching theming with modern CSS
The Fifty-Fifty Split and Overflow
DRY Switching with CSS Variables
The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend
CSS Animations with No-Code
very cool thing. Edit animations and keyframes and things.
Truth about CSS selector performance
CSS runtime performance
Understanding the CSS auto-resizing textarea trick
Tailwind marketing and misinformation engine
The Unbearable Sameness of the Modern Web
10 powerful ways to use CSS variables
The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond
Fantastic alternatives to media queries for more reliable and responsive layouts.
kite CSS animation
this was like reading css from a different person
Experimenting with layering and masking in CSS
In Defense of Sass
Writing Better CSS
2021 in Review for CSS
Home — Lynn Fisher
this response about summarizes my own reaction - how does she make the best website every year?
This one got me thinking about a lot of things, maybe just due to the infinite zoomy nature of it al.
Tailwind and the Femininity of CSS
Shadow Palette Generator
Box Shadow Generator
Conditional Border Radius In CSS
brilliant writeup of excellent technique. And published on the same day he asked about it on twitter!
Blog Redesign: Out with the Old, in with the Old
History of his website redesigns. There was a more recent one since, but this post is more detailed.
Miriam Suzanne
Phenomenal website. The color choice, the layout, the color and type selector in the header! All amazing stuff.
Can't remember who linked to this. Was in some article about CSS, author linked to Miriam and said she was doing great work.
Dark mode in 5 minutes, with inverted lightness variables
Styles Directory
A newer CSS Zen Garden. It's great.
Creative Creature
Awesome concept. And a nice disclaimer on context menu:
CSS Hell - To Hell with bad CSS!
My journey (so far) through this, very impressive, source code. #140
Notes on how Vanilla Extract does what it does.
Form Validation: You want :not(:focus):invalid, not :invalid
This is why so many form fields yell at me while I am typing in them!
Incomplete List of Mistakes in the Design of CSS
Mostly about case and formatting consistency. Fantastic list, these sorts of things don't exist often enough.
CSS Shadow Generator
Wonderful web app to generate much nicer looking shadows than I can come up with
Motion Blur Scrolling Demo
Cool idea. Causes some wild screen tearing or something on old laptop, and as the author mentions:
while it might look great, usability of it is poor
Linked video on motion blur is also good.
Web component library. Worth looking into at some point
Why Tailwind Isn't for Me
Good write up - actually providing some counter arguments other than "your markup is ugly". I'm still very undecided on tailwind, and comprehensive util class libs generally. Some sense, easy to go overboard with the "one rule per class" nonsense.
What Can You Put in a CSS Variable?
tldr: anything! Can use them to build up strings for other variables, combine values with calc (I want to implement color-contrast function), and clever use of content
to display the current value!
Reducing Asset Size With Subsetting
RTL Styling 101
I was hoping for a way to minimize margin left/right overrides, but sadly not. Bunch of other issues that come up with Arabic text - underlines, letter-spacing, opacity, font-weight, and others
Better mobile screenshots
Kill sticky headers
What Are Design Tokens?
Love this. Doesn't need to be stored as JSON either, can convert from whatever and generate
CSS{ In Real Life }
Dynamic SVG Animation with CSS Variables
I like the sidebar underlines and main page heaxagon anims on this
Don't Ruin Readability for Performance
Possible counterpoint: if the text doesn't render due to slow perf then readability is also affected.
Though only comparisons of text-rendering: optimizeSpeed;
vs optimizeLegibility
are from a while ago, unsure
if this is still a legit perf issue anyway.
Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows
This Ain’t Disney: A practical guide to CSS transitions and animations
How to manipulate CSS colors with JavaScript
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