Overtone - music app
currently on waitlist. Music app to consolidate different streaming apps
currently on waitlist. Music app to consolidate different streaming apps
great analysis. Found via reddit thread.
whisperX is apparently the winner
cool that it generated the sounds from sine waves
good explanation and illustrations
they recorded tinnitus!
free samples?! and little backstories behind the motivation and recording process?!! Great stuff
This is going to be a project...
Can't root phone, need to get filenames from the screen (they aren't included properly in exports.)
Audacity for browser
cool crossover of sound and electricity
Consider the option of how to make a universal OTG cable with your own hands
Very impressive speech synthesis demo - 3s of audio input and a passable imitation of the voice and tone.
Some variations, on the challenges of identifying speakers, noise, voice recognition (lot of people using Whisper now).
On perfect memory preventing you from escaping the past - getting caught up reliving things.
Very impressive examples. Continuing speech or piano after a 4s prompt.
large labelled audio dataset
Opening paragraph was such a clear overview of them
Compressors and limiters are used to reduce dynamic range — the span between
the softest and loudest sounds. Using compression can make your tracks sound
more polished by controlling maximum levels and maintaining higher average
I have often read that opening line - "what are compressors?" always leads to "what is dynamic range?" and "why do this? loudness?"
good read
As always, let your ears be the final judge. If it sounds good, it is good.
really handy, a specific but detailed walkthrough of someone's master workflow.
Cool comparison - make the same song on the two devices to compare workflow and sound
really quite excellent explanation of a bunch about sound
Outdoor comparison of UE Hyperboom and 2.2 Minirig setup
A glowing rec from Beautiful Audio
An impressive recommendation from @patio11
Also does voice generation from text! And remove filler words. Some cool stuff in there.
Not something that came up much in reviews for these (some did mention the weight). But has really been ruinous for comfort so far
This is the kind of thing where you think "oh sure that would be a neat side project" but the reality is an immense amount of effort
Recommended by some random HN commenter
Soon after Adblock Radio gained some traction in 2016, I have received lawyer threats from French radio networks (more details below). I had to partially shut the website down, change its architecture, better understand the legal ramifications, etc
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