Tagged “projects”
Portals - Strangest Loop
need more of this
Deconstructing PO-33 backup format
still limited knowledge
Drumpad generated by Claude
cool that it generated the sounds from sine waves
Project Bob - Circumnavigate in earth in a drone ship
InstantDB integration with tldraw
Clapper.app - AI Video Editor
Accessing 1Password items from the terminal | Simon Willison’s TILs
Very handy for keys and things. Want this for bitwarden
Free AfterEffects alternative for browser
Good apps with small dev teams
people doing their passion projects. I had no idea Cockos was so small! And that he also made Winamp!?!
Caddy plugin to serve Python apps
Pluck - interactive instrument
Incredible concept. Math-based string simulator, with custom layouts.
Sandbox - self-hosted collaborative code editing
Is this project still maintained?
Dev notes from XKCD Machine
TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression
I love the "want to do" sections, great way/place to list ideas!
Also the antilibrary - reviews for books he's not yet read.
Tracking SQLite table history using a JSON audit log | Simon Willison’s TILs
Piano on Paper
Airline List
Another levelsio project
Making a UE Plugin for Audio From Scratch
saved for later maybe
Tweet generator
Linkfire Reports
thought about doing this allowing custom domains, but realised most of the work is probably making analytics dashboards
Syntax Highlighting using the platform
solution for span soup
Where is Google Recorder saving files?
This is going to be a project...
Can't root phone, need to get filenames from the screen (they aren't included properly in exports.)
Ask HN: what have you built with LLMs?
Great response with some voice-powered code/automation things.
Relatedly, the killer case is summarization.
Short links, made easy
Testing WordPress perf with Puppeteer
TIL about @wordpress
node projects
Where and how to host a Node app
Introduction to Automerge
oh no
Ask HN: Who else is working on nothing?
ChatGPT Friction Log
this is a neat idea - monitor the stuck points of learning/using a thing
Building a Universal AI Scraper
good project; I like this combined approach to existing automations, with help filling in the fuzzier parts. parsing content to find a selector
CSS Animations with No-Code
very cool thing. Edit animations and keyframes and things.
Make a Hovercraft
fun home project from the jet propulsion lab
What PWA Can Do Today
good feature checklist when starting #projects for phones
Stitcher shuts down as podcast industry loses luster
bad month for podcast apps
Forgot to discard the first 50ml ?
wild how the first few answers are completely unhelpful but subtly hint that the guy may die
No more 404
awesome idea. Keep original links, redirect to archive if not found
GPT in 60 Lines of NumPy
Christian Keil's site
reading list portfolio page
The Browser Operator
web emulator for po-33
Acoustic treatment for your home studio (on a budget / DIY)
Making Large Language Models work for you
fantastic written version of his talk of youtube.
I like his ethics point on respecting reader's time - don't publish things that take someone longer to read than they do to write. Also on the code one, though I'm looser on that since I don't understand what my own code does.
llm CLI tool is fantastic.
Real-Real-World Programming with ChatGPT
making a chrome extension. Some good notes on things like version mismatches (it used manifest v2) and followup/correction prompting
Draw With WebGL Flowers
Finish your projects : Hacker News
Solid first comment, too
On an emotional level, I think it's better to start from a place of (unconditional!) self-love, and go from there, rather than beating yourself up because you're not meeting some blogger's expectations of how you should act.
CoDi: Any-to-Any Generation via Composable Diffusion
There oughta be a bullet time video booth.
Could we make the web more immersive using a simple optical illusion?
Clip of Johnny Lee’s Wiimote hack to create VR displays (from 2007!)
Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Biomedical Text Generation and Mining
Local-First Web Development
I had initially hoped this elimated choices by being a single set of things for local-first dev.
Get Chrome history for a single day and create a markdown file summarizing browsing activity
this is the kind of needlessly elaborate but awesome backup I can get into
For your next side project, make a browser extension
Upsides are you are tweaking an existing app, improving a familiar experience. And same-origin requests vs having to mess with public APIs.
Ask HN: What is the cheapest, easiest way to host a cronjob in 2022?
Modal seems like a winner.
What to blog about
Time Thief app
interesting little daily note/photo prompts.
Guitar Chords: Diagrams with Notes & Finger Positions
Cool music projects. Also had some fun with [lil beat maker]
I wish my web server was in the corner of my room
Glad that they weren't actually currently doing this - the original dorm setup description caused some mild panic.
HN thread and twitter replies with some more options or things to try.
Tailscale, Cloudflare Tunnel or DDNS
peoples of people pointing at your pointer
Litestream - How it Works
a "streaming replication tool" for SQLite databases. Copies the log file continuously
MicropolisJS: A JavaScript clone of the original SimCity | Hacker News
Incredible project
Ask HN: What is the most unique website you’ve come across on the internet?
Don't you lecture me with your thirty dollar website | Hacker News
Make Free Stuff
Grok {Shan, Shui}*: Advent of understanding the generative art
maybe a thing to try out this year
Show HN: Emoji to Scale | Hacker News
Fun idea, and a resonable example of when scrolljacking is ok!
Splide – Free, lightweight and powerful JavaScript slider
Conway's Game of Life in OCaml
From a saved note from years ago, I apparently wanted to learn OCaml in 2016. Never did
Web Browser Engineering
Introduction to Replicache
eInk Frame: Exploring generative art algorithms
My Software Estimation Technique
Suggests coming up with a range of estimates (best/worst case), include assumptions, refine later
HN comment on "How to work hard"
Though I don't think I ever worked as hard as the commentor, this bit felt pretty relatable:
One thing that always happened at the end of a semester is we'd have a few days after exams but before flights back home. On these days I'd typically try playing a video game (my hobby before college) and every time I would stop playing after just an hour with deep feeling of unease at the pit of my stomach. "Alarm bells" is exactly how I would describe it - a feeling at the core of my psyche that I have been wasting time and there must be something productive I should be doing or thinking about.
Years later, having tackled anxiety problems that had plagued me most of my life, I came to recognize that my relationship with hard work during my college years was not healthy and that this deep seated desire to do more work is not a positive thing, at least not for me.
A status update on all my projects [Riccardo Mori]
Stumbled across this after reading some posts on his excellent main site, which I've seen on HN a bunch of times.
I’m starting to grow tired of the term Project
Today online everything seems to be a project. It’s become an umbrella term for anything, from artworks to app development, from business endeavours to, well, writing fiction.
Play online chess with real chess board
Cool idea! Unfortunately doesn't have web app
Show HN : A URL Lengthener : Hacker News
Matuzo's current HTML boilerplate
The structure of the article is great - "here's the whole thing, followed by a line-by-line breakdown".
The enormous blobs of mobile meta will always be a bit gross.
I bought 300 emoji domain names from Kazakhstan and built an email service
I respect their dedication to a joke idea
Julian Shapiro - 10 significant lies you're told about the world
This is cooooooooool. Control tabs from the commandline! Search them like searching files! Amazing idea.
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