Industrial ethernet, stands for "Process Field Network"
Industrial ethernet, stands for "Process Field Network"
making the made-up bridges from Euro banknotes real
a 3 hour podcast about skunkworks
Slides and transcript on the challenges of designing with language models
learned about this on a video of "depth of different bodies of water".
These are like something out of a game
Impurities (lime clasts) that heal cracks when water runs through them.
a giant concrete structure that was dragged through the sea then suctioned to the ocean floor to extract gas
On mining and building
Still don't love the obsession with "tearing down the economic system that rejects it". Funny that something talking about maintenance doesn't think that existing systems could be improved..
lowering a building on jacks a floor at a time. 90% less dust!
Hacking coral sex to accelerate reef regrowth
From 2019!
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