Tagged “thinking”
The World As If
Writing to think
Writing to Think
Steph Ango's Obsidian Vault Template
I like how flat it is. Few folders, personal notes in root.
Writing in a way that gets your thoughts to flow
very helpful post, on the importance of revisiting writing. Going back over things and having conversations with yourself over time.
a dialogue with myself concerning eliezer yudkowsky
Thinking companion, companion for thinking
I'm a very slow thinker (2016)
Willingness to look stupid
Good things to emulate in there.
Be willing to be bad at things, ask lots of questions (even if they seem obvious), trying hard at things (can mean failing lots).
Unbundling Tools for Thought
What are your Piano Scales?
what do I practice that is analagous to scales? Writing, maybe?
Don’t think to write, write to think
McKinsey's 7-step problem-solving framework
first 3 were more interesting to me
- Define the problem. Be as specific as possible (boundaries and constraints).
- Break it down. List possible solutions, list assumptons (gaps). Then fill the gaps.
- Prioritize solutions. Look for high impact, high influence
- Plan
- Analyze
- Synthesize
- Tell the story
You Don't Think in Any Language
The Etherington Brothers
how to think about drawing
How to Take Better Notes With Roam Research
why am I reading about notetaking tools again
Five Minute Journal - Daily Journal Techniques and Tips
Great idea
Morning prompts:
What am I grateful for?
What would make today great?
What am I worried about?
Evening prompts:
How am I feeling?
What's something good that happened today?
What did I do well?
What could I have done better?
Elastic: Flexible Thinking in a Constantly Changing World
Learning How to Think: The Skill No One Taught You
The best way to practice is to spend time thinking
Celebrated Writers on the Creative Benefits of Keeping a Diary
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