Alien - Artificial Life Environment
more fun things to waste time learning about
more fun things to waste time learning about
I like that part 3 is "Ray tracing for the rest of your life"
this is awesome. And top HN comment mentions glicol which also looks very interesting.
maybe this is the year I learn something about shaders
scene resconstruction from reflections in someone's eyes in a photograph
not sure if I would actually find this useful, dense multi-arrowed charts are often hard for me to follow. Cool though!
Generate 3d objects from a prompt.
everything is complicated.
you think are are doing ok at programming then come across this kind of thing
James Blinn teaches how to model shapes with polynomials
Visual-first programming for visual effects
Generate 3d fern models in browser
Crazy stuff. Also the generated faces
"Share a private virtual room with friends. Watch videos, play with 3D objects, or just hang out"
Works impressively well on pancake browsers as well. Found via HN.
Holy shit this is crazy. Rendering for VR is surprisingly different to rendering to a screen - mainly the "check current pose to figure out what to render" part is wild.
Also with a great editor
Thorough and followable breakdown, with lots of code comments. Will this be what gets me to actually learn WebGL? We'll find out!
A bit of history of typesetting and text rendering
Fantastic explanation
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