Tagged “time”
Deep Laziness
The Garden of Time
short story that inspired the Met Gala theme
Living the life you believe in
My friends tease me about liking San Francisco, but I think it’s inevitable to have a warped, unrequited love for the place or person that first revealed you to yourself.
Why the breakdown of the 9-5 job is making us lonelier
tldr lack of overlapping days off
The Economics of Time Travel
it would probably cost too much energy to justify a vacation to the past
focus-keeping app
The Clock of the Long Now
I didn't know about the transparent/maintainable requirement; had previously thought it was meant to be a thing to last independently.
Beginners Guide to Android Tasker | Part 1 of 3 (2011)
was funny how much of this was relevant when released ("use this version of tasker and this version of android") but completely not relevant later
What's something that used to be good, but now it's just mediocre?
TinyPilot: Month 36
"How can I reduce my time here?" is a good followup question after finding out where one spends time
Lately I've been using timers daily
Convinced me to start using xfce timer, and it has already been useful!
Seeing more of these GitHub-as-a-blog.
Most people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 75
More on the loneliness/time with people charts. That novelty and learning and socialising peak, then decline for the following decades.
- scheduled, recurring social events with friends and family. Make it more automatic
- Take a break every quarter. Design another level for for life's video game.
- Learn how to learn
- Celebrate the 25th birthday, like a passage into actual adulthood.
- Create rituals.
Diminishing time with family and children is replaced with more time alone
I agree that flexing the boredom muscle is good, as is finding joy in time to yourself.
But don't know if embracing solitude is the right conclusion to draw from a chart of alone time increasing over lifespan.
That you could also flex the socialising muscle, and try to buck a trend from a chart of averages.
I am already off the chart on average hours per day, so there is also that..
Opening a dam gate after 30 years, Jiroft, Iran
Advice: How Do I Make Up For My Lost Years?
How to Endure the Winters of a Life Sentence
I look out for people who have been isolating more than usual, those who are withdrawn when usually outgoing. I have learned that a simple “hello” can go a long way. This helps me from falling into despair myself.
Four Thousand Weeks
Ask HN: What is the cheapest, easiest way to host a cronjob in 2022?
Modal seems like a winner.
75% of the time we spend with our kids in our lifetime will be spent by age 12
Lots on parenting and time. On choices to have kids, on free time, life satisfaction, population growth, ageing, and bunch of other random jumbles of life advice.
No Time
"For the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem — how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, which science and compound interest will have won.
The billable hour is a trap into which more and more of us are falling
If your hourly rate gets too high, how to justify doing anything that isn't billable?
People don't work as much as you think
THe daily work capacity estimate for different tasks is a great idea. Should do that.
Condition of rovers left on the moon
Pretty damn hard to make things that last
Except the batteries on that rover are long dead. Many, if not all, of the plastic and paper insulators exposed to vacuum are now brittle and broken. All labels or painted surfaces are likely bleached white. Differential expansion during lunar daylight cycles has likely snapped a few things here and there too. Fifty years of exposure to static electric charges on the moon has put lunar dust in all sorts of places it doesn't belong.
Living on 24 Hours a Day
The three-or-four-hours rule
The Shortness of Time
FuckIt.js support #4
Sorry for rushing this a bit, but got home yet?
Time awareness or how to find time for life while working remotely
Some good tips on ensuring things other than work happen.
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