Confidant Health database exposed 5.3 terabytes of patient information | Security Magazine
they recommend changing your password if you are worried about your data that they exposed
they recommend changing your password if you are worried about your data that they exposed
"Way more data coming" has never felt so threatening
the home of Move Better Sam
"If you are angry for two or three days, sickness will come"
apparently started from an Emergent Ventures grant
Because the Japanese character for “10,000” looks like a person walking, the company called its device the 10,000-step meter.
a longer write up on teeth and mouths and the mouth-bacteria-replacement thing
Plastics in arterial plaque cause large increase in cardiovascular issues
on living with schizophrenia
where to sit when travelling so you don't have to keep switching sides of the train
Two adjacent theatres, then surgeons go straight from one to the next. Elimates prep time and theatre down time, and they claimt to have cleared a week's worth in a day.
biochemical pathways chart
One big reason for that is that while imitating the lifestyle habits of healthy people sounds like an intuitive strategy, I think it’s actually a pretty bad one...
to manage alcohol consumption more effectively and I’d tell him … try to drink less alcohol? Except maybe it’s okay to cut loose sometimes… but not too often? Ultimately, I just don’t know; it’s not a problem I have.
many contain PFAS
According to one estimate, his vaccines save nearly eight million lives each year.
made worse by the effects of weathering on the plastic
sucks that most of these are "overcome all your instincts and natural reactions and do this instead".
Stay loose, don't hit your head.
TLDR get enough sleep and exercise
look after your health
this seems like something you do not want
And HN discussion
stretching exercises for people who sit a lot
Current streak: 1 day
If there is a choice between changing and not changing, I can assure you the latter is the much easier road. How splendid it feels to revert to form. How cool and lovely and sweet. I believe that most of us, in our gut, know what we need to do in this life: We need to leave that job. We need to leave that relationship. We need to stop smoking, stop stuffing our face with peanut butter and fudge, stop hiding in that closet, whatever that closet happens to be for you. But change is hard, man. Ask Obama. Ask anyone who’s ever tried to change.
What I wish I had known when I was drinking in that ridiculous closet is that change requires failure. It requires screw-ups and a mouthful of grass and shins covered in bruises and I’m sorry, but I don’t know any other way around that. It also requires time and patience, two things I don’t particularly like, because I was raised in the school of epiphany and instant gratification, which is why I loved alcohol, because it was fast, immediate, pummeling.
Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Biomedical Text Generation and Mining
Some of these experiences sound terrifying.
Probably yes
Coming back as someone different after a traumatic brain injury, and overcoming symptoms.
no projects, not side hustles, not reading to learn.
just sitting
does knowing the risk help, or cause added worry
Subjective well-being improves with car shedding, if it's not done for financial reasons.
huh, weird that I already had a tag for smoking
Importantly, it helped me overcome my fear that if I quit smoking, I wouldn’t be able to write anymore, since I’d always done the two activities together (today I tell writing students not to smoke at all, but if they must, not to smoke while writing, lest they prolong their addiction to protect their artistic production).
But what really helped me kick was Alan’s advice about motivations: “You’re 33 years old. You might smoke for 40 more years before you get sick. Not getting sick in forty years won’t be much of a motivation next week when you’re craving a cigarette. You need a motive for next week, not forty years from now.”
The next-week reason he came up with was "I spend two laptops per year on smokes". So he now buys a laptop each year.
Maybe this is what Flavortown is all about.
Why, I wondered, does flavor have such a hold over us? And why do so many scientists carry on as though nutrition starts from the neck down, that what truly matters in food is carbs, protein and fat, and flavor is just some meaningless and frivolous indulgence?
Our flavor sensing equipment—the nose and mouth—takes up more DNA than any other bodily system. Why is there so much DNA devoted to a sense we tend to think of as superfluous?
Known for his work in "in-flight surgery with a coat-hanger and silverware"
Related: VR Exercise Equivalent ratings. Apparently modded Audioshield is the highest intensity
Matrix of three factors for three stages (before, during, after). The word "host" made some of the explanations sound funny to me
Separate the agent from the host.
Provide protection for the host.
How do anti-inflammatories work? What do they actually do? Bodies are crazy
When I quit smoking 17 years ago, a wise doctor counselled me that if I was going to resist cravings, I needed a more immediate reason than "I won't get cancer in 40 years." My answer: "I spend two laptops per year on a product whose makers want to murder me and my friends."
The mysterious and meteoric rise in obesity since the late 70s. Part 2 includes a reference to The Australian Paradox
“True karate is about competing with yourself, not with other people,” agrees Da Luz of the Okinawa Karate Information Center. This also makes it a lifetime practice
Overview of a century of breakthroughs and other improvements to health and longevity. The many small changes that stack up to reduce mortality.
I love this for many reasons. Mostly for some people continuing with approaches that aren't just brute force deep neural nets. Goes into better detail than the original headline, which implied it could just automatically detect cancer cells (it was years of work going from pastry detector to other uses). Hard things are hard.
Excellent tips, and good pictures explaining what they mean (this is often overlooked in descriptions of actions). Sit forward, sit up. Leg angle closer to 120 that 90 is a good one
More negative knock-on effects from decades of demonizing fat
Also remember to take damn breaks
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